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Each of our lives tell a story that’s unique, and powerful; when Jesus invades our hearts, the stories of our lives begin to take on new, significant meaning, in light of His great love and work in us. Billy’s life story is one of redemption; it is the story of an amazing turnaround…

Manhattan First Kids and Youth
We have created a FUN and SAFE environment where your kids and teenagers can learn to grow in their own relationship with the Lord. We strive to engage your kids in worship, preaching, and serving throughout the year with great events like Desperation Conference and MIT (Ministers in Training). Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights are packed full of awesome opportunities no matter their age!
Connect Groups
Getting involved in a Connect Group is a wonderful way to engage, grow, and have a safe space to belong. Our groups focus on meaningful connections, and growing your walk with the Lord through deep conversation, devotions, and bible reading. Make sure you check out the full page so you can find the right group for you!

Join the Family
At Manhattan First, we desire for you to grow spiritually, connect to friends that feel like family, and help you reach the people around you with the message of Jesus. GROW is an online course to walk you through who we are, what we are about and allows us to get to know you and your family on a personal level. It's your first step to letting Manhattan First finally feel like home. If you would rather go through GROW in person, we have a hard copy located at the information booth located outside of the sanctuary. Pick one up on Sunday and when completed, slip it in the mailbox outside in the front of our building.
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